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           ARTIST STATEMENT 2016


96.9 % of the time when I begin a painting, I do not have a specific vision. I usually start by covering the canvas with three different colors, which I believe have a dynamic relationship.This first layer prompts an intuitive response of lines and shapes on the surface. Subsequently,  I make formal decisions to determine where all the puzzle pieces will go and where the composition should land.

I work  on a  large scale  with energy, intuition and a physicality,  which has made me realize the influence of artists such as Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kandinksky and  Lari Pittman have had on me.

Ultimately, a painting becomes alive when all of the elements play with each other to become a harmonious tension. I  work by creating lines, shapes, textures , and blocks of color that overlap to complicate our perception of near and far causing us to engage with ourselves as viewers.



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